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Top 10 Muslim Countries

Islam is one of the world’s major religions, with more than 1.9 billion followers as of 2020. Muslims are those who believe in and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who is regarded as the final messenger of God. Muslims worship God, who is called Allah in Arabic, and follow the five pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage.

Muslims can be found in every continent and region of the world, but some countries have a higher percentage or number of Muslims than others. These countries are often referred to as Muslim-majority countries, where Islam is the dominant religion or the religion of the state. In this article, we will explore the top 10 Muslim countries based on their percentage or number of Muslims, using data from Pew Research Center and World Population Review.

Please note that this ranking is not based on the total population or area of each country, but on the proportion or size of their Muslim population. This means that some countries may have a larger total population or area, but a smaller Muslim population or percentage than others. Also, this ranking is based on the estimates for 2020 and may not reflect the current or future situation of each country.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the top 10 Muslim countries.

10. Turkey – 99.4% Muslim

Turkey is a transcontinental country that straddles Europe and Asia, with a population of about 84 million people. Turkey is one of the most secular and democratic Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a constitution that guarantees freedom of religion and conscience. However, Islam still plays an important role in the culture and politics of Turkey, especially since the rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2002.

Turkey has a rich and diverse Islamic heritage, dating back to the Seljuk Turks who converted to Islam in the 10th century and established the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate. Later, the Ottoman Empire ruled over much of the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Europe for six centuries, spreading Islam and Turkish culture to various regions. Today, Turkey is home to many historical and religious sites related to Islam, such as the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the Tomb of Rumi.

Turkey is also a regional power and a member of NATO, with a strong economy and military. Turkey has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Central Asia and the Middle East. Turkey also hosts about 3.6 million Syrian refugees who fled from the civil war in Syria.

9. Iran – 99.7% Muslim

Iran is a country in Western Asia, with a population of about 83 million people. Iran is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with a history that spans over 2,500 years. Iran is also one of the most influential Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a unique political system that combines elements of Islamic law and democracy.

Iran is predominantly Shia Muslim, which is the second-largest branch of Islam after Sunni Islam. Shia Muslims believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was his rightful successor and the first Imam (leader) of Islam. Shia Muslims also revere other Imams who are descendants of Ali and Muhammad. Iran is home to many holy sites for Shia Muslims, such as Mashhad, Qom, Karbala, and Najaf.

Iran is also a regional power and a nuclear state, with a strong economy and military. Iran has tense relations with many countries, especially with the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their allies. Iran also supports various groups and movements in the Middle East and beyond that are aligned with its interests or ideology.

8. Algeria – 99.9% Muslim

Algeria is a country in North Africa, with a population of about 44 million people. Algeria is the largest country in Africa by area, and the tenth-largest in the world. Algeria is also one of the most diverse and multicultural Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over thousands of years.

Algeria is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Algeria is home to many mosques and shrines that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Great Mosque of Algiers, the Ketchaoua Mosque, and the Sidi M’hamed Bou Qobrine.

Algeria is also a regional power and a member of the African Union, with a strong economy and military. Algeria has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Africa and the Middle East. Algeria also has a history of resistance and revolution against colonialism and oppression, which has shaped its national identity and political system.

7. Morocco – 99.9% Muslim

Morocco is a country in North Africa, with a population of about 37 million people. Morocco is one of the oldest and most stable Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a constitutional monarchy that guarantees freedom of religion and expression. Morocco is also one of the most colorful and vibrant Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a rich and diverse culture and cuisine.

Morocco is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Morocco is home to many mosques and madrasas that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Hassan II Mosque, the Koutoubia Mosque, and the Al-Qarawiyyin University.

Morocco is also a regional power and a member of the Arab League, with a strong economy and military. Morocco has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Africa and Europe. Morocco also has a history of tolerance and coexistence with other religions and cultures, such as Judaism, Christianity, Berberism, and Andalusianism.

6. Egypt – 99.9% Muslim

Egypt is a country in Northeast Africa, with a population of about 102 million people. Egypt is one of the oldest and most influential Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 5,000 years. Egypt is also one of the most populous and diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a variety of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures.

Egypt is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Egypt is home to many mosques and schools that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Al-Azhar Mosque, the Al-Azhar University, and the Dar al-Ifta.

Egypt is also a regional power and a member of the Arab League, with a strong economy and military. Egypt has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Africa and the Middle East. Egypt also has a history of civilization and innovation that has contributed to various fields such as science, art, literature, and architecture.

5. Bangladesh – 99.9% Muslim

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia, with a population of about 164 million people. Bangladesh is one of the youngest and most dynamic Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 1,000 years. Bangladesh is also one of the most densely populated and diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a variety of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures.

Bangladesh is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Bangladesh is home to many mosques and shrines that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Baitul Mukarram Mosque, the Khan Jahan Ali’s Tomb, and the Shah Jalal’s Shrine.

Bangladesh is also a regional power and a member of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation), with a strong economy and military. Bangladesh has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Bangladesh also has a history of resistance and liberation that has shaped its national identity and political system.

4. Indonesia – 99.9% Muslim

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, with a population of about 273 million people. Indonesia is one of the most diverse and multicultural Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 2,000 years. Indonesia is also one of the most geographically and ecologically diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with more than 17,000 islands and a variety of climates and habitats.

Indonesia is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Indonesia is home to many mosques and schools that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Istiqlal Mosque, the Al-Mukmin Islamic Boarding School, and the Nahdlatul Ulama.

Indonesia is also a regional power and a member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), with a strong economy and military. Indonesia has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Indonesia also has a history of democracy and pluralism that has contributed to its social and political stability.

3. Pakistan – 99.9% Muslim

Pakistan is a country in South Asia, with a population of about 220 million people. Pakistan is one of the youngest and most dynamic Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 70 years. Pakistan is also one of the most populous and diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a variety of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures.

Pakistan is predominantly Sunni Muslim, with a significant minority of Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Shia Muslims believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was his rightful successor and the first Imam (leader) of Islam. Pakistan is home to many mosques and shrines that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Faisal Mosque, the Data Darbar Shrine, and the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine.

Pakistan is also a regional power and a nuclear state, with a strong economy and military. Pakistan has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in South Asia and the Middle East. Pakistan also has a history of conflict and cooperation with its neighbors, especially India and Afghanistan.

2. India – 99.9% Muslim

India is a country in South Asia, with a population of about 1.4 billion people. India is one of the most diverse and multicultural Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 4,000 years. India is also one of the most geographically and ecologically diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a variety of climates and habitats.

India is predominantly Sunni Muslim, with a significant minority of Shia Muslims and other sects. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Shia Muslims believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was his rightful successor and the first Imam (leader) of Islam. India is home to many mosques and tombs that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Jama Masjid, the Taj Mahal, and the Charminar.

India is also a regional power and a nuclear state, with a strong economy and military. India has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in South Asia and Southeast Asia. India also has a history of democracy and secularism that has contributed to its social and political stability.

1. Indonesia – 99.9% Muslim

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, with a population of about 273 million people. Indonesia is one of the most diverse and multicultural Muslim-majority countries in the world, with a history that spans over 2,000 years. Indonesia is also one of the most geographically and ecologically diverse Muslim-majority countries in the world, with more than 17,000 islands and a variety of climates and habitats.

Indonesia is predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the largest branch of Islam that follows the teachings and traditions of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Muslims believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on consensus and merit, rather than lineage or divine appointment. Indonesia is home to many mosques and schools that reflect its Islamic heritage, such as the Istiqlal Mosque, the Al-Mukmin Islamic Boarding School, and the Nahdlatul Ulama.

Indonesia is also a regional power and a member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), with a strong economy and military. Indonesia has close ties with many Muslim countries, especially in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Indonesia also has a history of democracy and pluralism that has contributed to its social and political stability.

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