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Top 10 Most Inbred States in US

Inbreeding is the process of mating genetically similar organisms, such as close relatives. Inbreeding can have negative effects on the health and fitness of the offspring, such as increasing the risk of genetic diseases and reducing genetic diversity. Inbreeding can also have positive effects, such as preserving certain traits and enhancing selective breeding.

In this post, we will explore the most inbred states in the US, based on the data from World Population Review. We will also discuss some of the historical and cultural reasons for inbreeding in these states, as well as some of the famous examples of inbred families and individuals.

10. Maine

Maine is one of the most inbred states in the US, with an estimated 4.4% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Maine is also one of the least populated and most rural states in the country, which may contribute to the isolation and limited gene pool of its residents. Maine has a history of French-Canadian immigration, which may also explain the high rate of inbreeding, as some French-Canadian communities practiced endogamy (marrying within one’s own group).

9. Delaware

Delaware is another state with a high rate of inbreeding, with 4.5% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Delaware is one of the smallest and most densely populated states in the US, which may increase the chances of encountering and marrying a relative. Delaware also has a large African-American population, which may have a higher prevalence of inbreeding due to historical factors such as slavery and segregation.

8. Maryland

Maryland is ranked eighth among the most inbred states in the US, with 4.8% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Maryland is located in the Mid-Atlantic region, which has a long history of colonial settlement and immigration from various European countries. Maryland also has a diverse ethnic and racial composition, which may reflect different cultural norms and practices regarding inbreeding.

7. West Virginia

West Virginia is one of the most stereotyped and stigmatized states when it comes to inbreeding, with 5% of the population being born to first or second cousins. West Virginia is known for its mountainous terrain and rural lifestyle, which may limit the mobility and social interaction of its inhabitants. West Virginia also has a history of coal mining and poverty, which may have influenced the mating choices and opportunities of its residents.

6. Virginia

Virginia is another state with a high rate of inbreeding, with 5.1% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Virginia is one of the original thirteen colonies and one of the oldest states in the US, which may have resulted in a long and complex genealogy among its citizens. Virginia also has a significant role in American history and politics, which may have involved some cases of inbreeding among prominent families and individuals.

5. North Carolina

North Carolina is ranked fifth among the most inbred states in the US, with 5.6% of the population being born to first or second cousins. North Carolina is part of the South, which has a reputation for having higher rates of inbreeding than other regions due to historical and cultural factors such as slavery, civil war, segregation, and religion. North Carolina also has a large Native American population, which may have practiced inbreeding for tribal reasons.

4. South Carolina

South Carolina is another southern state with a high rate of inbreeding, with 6% of the population being born to first or second cousins. South Carolina shares many of the same historical and cultural influences as North Carolina, such as slavery, civil war, segregation, and religion. South Carolina also has a history of Scottish-Irish immigration, which may have introduced some traditions and customs related to inbreeding.

3. Georgia

Georgia is one of the most inbred states in the US, with 6.6% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Georgia is also part of the South, which has a higher prevalence of inbreeding than other regions due to various historical and cultural factors. Georgia also has a large African-American population, which may have experienced more inbreeding due to slavery and segregation.

2. Alabama

Alabama is ranked second among the most inbred states in the US, with 7% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Alabama is another southern state that has a history of slavery, civil war, segregation, and religion that may have influenced its rates of inbreeding. Alabama also has some laws that allow or prohibit certain degrees of consanguinity (blood relation) for marriage, which may reflect the social attitudes and norms regarding inbreeding in the state.

1. Kentucky

Kentucky is the most inbred state in the US, with 9.4% of the population being born to first or second cousins. Kentucky is known for its mountainous regions and rural areas, which may have isolated and restricted the gene pool of its residents. Kentucky also has a history of poverty and coal mining, which may have affected the mating choices and opportunities of its inhabitants. Kentucky is also famous for having one of the most inbred families in the world, the Fugate family, who had a rare genetic condition that caused some of their members to have blue skin.


Inbreeding is a complex and controversial topic that has both positive and negative effects on the health and fitness of the offspring. Inbreeding can also have social and cultural implications, as different states and regions may have different rates and reasons for inbreeding. In this post, we have explored the top 10 most inbred states in the US, based on the data from World Population Review. We hope you have learned something new and interesting from this post, and we invite you to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!

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