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The Top 10 Longest Surgeries

longest surgeries

Surgery is a medical procedure that involves cutting, removing, or repairing parts of the body to treat various conditions or injuries. Surgery can be life-saving, life-changing, or life-enhancing, depending on the situation and the outcome. However, surgery can also be risky, complicated, and time-consuming, especially when it involves delicate organs, complex structures, or rare cases.

In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 longest surgeries ever performed, according to some records and reports. These surgeries have lasted for hours or even days, requiring extraordinary skill, stamina, and teamwork from the surgeons and medical staff. While their duration may vary depending on the source and the criteria, their difficulty and significance are undeniable. So, without further ado, here are the top 10 longest surgeries ever performed:

10. Septal Myectomy

A septal myectomy is a surgery to unclog the congealed muscles of the heart that cause a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This condition can lead to heart failure, stroke, or sudden death. The surgery involves stopping the heart and cutting away the excess muscle tissue that blocks the blood flow. The surgery can last anywhere between three and six hours.

9. Bladder Cystectomy

A bladder cystectomy is a surgery to remove part or all of the urinary bladder due to bladder cancer or other reasons. The surgery can involve removing other organs as well, such as the prostate, uterus, ovaries, or lymph nodes. The surgery can also involve creating a new way for urine to exit the body, such as a stoma or a neobladder. The surgery can last anywhere between four and eight hours.

8. Spinal Osteomyelitis Surgery

A spinal osteomyelitis surgery is a surgery to treat an infection of the vertebral bodies in the spine that can cause pain, fever, weakness, or paralysis. The surgery involves removing the infected bone and tissue and stabilizing the spine with rods, screws, or plates. The surgery can also involve grafting bone from another part of the body or from a donor. The surgery can last anywhere between six and 12 hours.

7. Thoracic Aortic Dissection Repair

A thoracic aortic dissection repair is a surgery to fix a tear in the deepest layer of the heart that can cause bleeding, shock, or death. The surgery involves replacing the damaged part of the aorta with an artificial graft and reconnecting it to the blood vessels. The surgery can also involve repairing or replacing other parts of the heart that are affected by the tear. The surgery can last anywhere between six and 14 hours.

6. Bariatric Surgery

A bariatric surgery is a surgery to reduce the size of the stomach or bypass part of the small intestine to help with weight loss and obesity-related problems. The surgery can involve different techniques, such as gastric banding, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or duodenal switch. The surgery can also involve removing excess skin or fat from other parts of the body. The surgery can last anywhere between six and 18 hours.

5. Face Transplant

A face transplant is a surgery to replace part or all of a person’s face with a donor’s face due to severe facial injury or deformity. The surgery involves matching the donor’s face with the recipient’s facial structure and attaching it with microsurgery techniques. The surgery also involves connecting the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and skin of the new face. The surgery can last anywhere between 15 and 36 hours.

4. Conjoined Twins Separation

A conjoined twins separation is a surgery to separate twins who are joined at some part of their bodies due to incomplete division of an embryo during development. The surgery involves separating the shared organs and tissues and reconstructing each twin’s body individually. The surgery also involves providing adequate blood supply and anesthesia for each twin during the procedure. The surgery can last anywhere between 20 and 103 hours.

3. Siamese Liver Transplant

A Siamese liver transplant is a rare and complex surgery that involves transplanting a liver from one person to two recipients who share a common blood supply due to being conjoined at some part of their bodies. The surgery involves dividing the donor’s liver into two parts and attaching them to each recipient’s blood vessels and bile ducts. The surgery also involves separating any other shared organs or tissues between the recipients. The surgery can last anywhere between 24 and 36 hours.

2. Elephantiasis Surgery

An elephantiasis surgery is a surgery to remove excess skin and tissue from a person who suffers from a condition called elephantiasis, which causes extreme swelling and enlargement of certain body parts due to a parasitic infection. The surgery involves cutting away the excess skin and tissue and reshaping the affected body part. The surgery also involves treating the underlying infection and preventing its recurrence. The surgery can last anywhere between 24 and 72 hours.

1. Abdominal Tumor Removal

An abdominal tumor removal is a surgery to remove a large and massive tumor from a person’s abdomen that can cause pain, discomfort, or organ failure. The surgery involves cutting open the abdomen and removing the tumor along with any affected organs or tissues. The surgery also involves repairing or replacing any damaged organs or tissues with artificial or donor ones. The surgery can last anywhere between 24 and 96 hours.

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